I’m Jim. I develop intense interests in too many different subjects at a time, which has resulted in a sprawling library that’s parasitically consuming the available space wherever I live.

This blog is a groping attempt to get the bottom of what’s really going on in the hidden layers of my head, where the knowledge from the books I’ve read is being churned into sometimes novel but often derivative versions of what I’m currently learning about. (I also occasionally write on Medium.)

While I work as a software engineer, I don’t typically write about those topics on here. Also it must be said for legal reasons that I don’t have agency to speak for my employer so anything I say on here that you don’t like is coming from me and me alone.

This site might use cookies to track you, but I don’t have a popup you have to click on because those things are annoying as shit. (Come at me, EU.) If it’s any consolation, any gathered information is not being used by me because I don’t give a damn who you are.

If you’d like to connect with me professionally, find me on LinkedIn.

If you’d like to see what kind of code I’m kicking out these days, view my Github: jimmcgaw