I live in California, near the coast, so the results of yesterday's election equate roughly to the apocalypse. At least, that's the sense I've derived from the people I've encountered today, at work and otherwise.

I'm a little disappointed that both the House and Senate fell to Republicans, along with the presidency. In my limited experience, the political texture of Congress is far more important for its impact on day-to-day life than who's sitting in the Oval Office. And while I don't vote the party line Democratic, I've learned over the past year that, in general, I identify more with the liberal ideology than I do the conservative one. Like always, it depends on the issue.

I'm actually curious what the world looks like in a few months. When Barack Obama got elected, I had a pretty good sense of what would happen when he took office that following January. After he was sworn in, there weren't really any surprises. With Trump, it feels a little bit like a season of "Lost" just ended, with a large and ambiguous enough cliffhanger at the end that you can't even begin to imagine how the next season will play out.