As a virtue, I think that temperance is sorely underrated. In my recent trip to France, surrounded by people who wanted to give me copious amounts of absolutely delicious food, I made an effort to translate the word "temperance" into French. There seems to be no equivalent, even a word that describes the concept.

People focus their efforts to get healthier on diets. I've have never tried any of these diets, but most of the major ones with which I'm acquainted are primarily centered about what instead of how much. Even if smaller portions is part of the regimen, this is often secondary to the content of the portions.

A well-designed web page is more pleasant than browse than one with poor design, but no amount of good design skills would save a web page that is cluttered to surfeit, without a guiding sense of purpose. Good nutrition is important, but that single factor must not be pursued with an obedience blind to quantity.