I like any idea, no matter how crazy, that seems to have an audience. If it speaks to a group of people, whether small or large, having an audience receptive to what you have to say is important if you're interested in having people listen.

What I like even better, though, are ideas that have not only an audience, but an anti-audience as well. The pet rock certainly had its share of detractors after it came out. "You're paying for a rock in a box? That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard."

The value arises when members of the audience and the anti-audience find themselves in the same room as each other. This is the stuff that gets conversations started, when people start debating the merits of your idea. And debate is infinitely better than an idea that nobody is discussing.

Flack is flack, period. You just have to be ready to take the bad with the good.