Criticism in the Cracks
It was over six months ago that Apple released the iPad. I'm not one to blog at length about technology or Apple products, but I remember the day it came out, buzz on the Internet pointed at the iPad as being a ridiculous piece of hardware that was little more a large version of an iPhone, and droves of people heralded it as the product release that would ruin Apple.
This criticism is easily forgotten at this point, now that the iPad has made such an impact on people who use computers and launched Apple's own stock valuation. But it's something to keep in mind the next time someone tells you not to do something because you're certain to fail.
This criticism is easily forgotten at this point, now that the iPad has made such an impact on people who use computers and launched Apple's own stock valuation. But it's something to keep in mind the next time someone tells you not to do something because you're certain to fail.