People seem to like it a lot when I write my opinions about Facebook, so today I'm going to offer you a quick clean-up tip. It will take you a few minutes to do and

Over the course of time, most of us that use Facebook on a daily basis end up accumulating a bunch of Facebook Apps. We see our friends taking a quiz that reveals which "Lost" character you would be, and we end up installing the app and taking the quiz, because it's more fun than working.

People don't read what they agree to when they reach the old "Allow This App?" prompt page. Every time you install one of those things, you're giving the people that made it (which isn't always the Facebook staff) the right to take the data from your profile. And from your friends' profiles, too.

So, in Facebook, go to the top right of the page and open the "Account" menu next to "Home" and "Profile". Go down and click "Application Settings". This will take you to a page where the apps you have installed are listed. For all the silly Facebook quizzes and stuff you did last year, and don't need anymore, click the "X" to remove the app from your account.

This is something that I do every couple of months or so. Rest assured, I don't think any harm will befall you if you choose not to bother doing this. But people seem to be particularly concerned about the privacy issues that are surrounding Facebook and the company's use of our personal information. This is one tiny thing you can do.